China Insider curates and leads bespoke, luxury, and in-depth trips to China, Japan, and Southeast Asia for individuals, families, organizations, and businesses interested in gaining a deeper understanding of Asian cultures.

China Insider Founder and Director France Pepper is recognized as a leading Asian cultural and travel expert, with 30 years of travel experience. She has the ability to bridge cultures through experiential travel to make you an Insider. France introduces you to places otherwise not accessible, with exclusive entrée to sites and local experts, with bespoke itineraries that reflect your interests and needs.

China Insider also makes private jet arrangements. 

become fluent in chinese culture

Whether you only have time for a quick visit to Beijing or Shanghai between meetings, or can spend a few weeks absorbing the monumental changes taking place in China and the region, the key to a successful trip is the very personal planning offered by China Insider.

France's travel philosophy is to take you far beyond the superficial, go off the beaten track, and create an experience that will deepen your understanding and appreciation of China and Asia. 

Recent trips include

  • contemporary art tour
  • culinary exploration
  • high-level cultivation trips for cultural organizations and business leaders
  • private access to the Dunhuang Buddhist caves and archaeological sites
  • exclusive handling sessions in museum storage